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Station Country: Australia

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Geoscience Australia is an Australian government agency within the Industry and Science Portfolio.

The goal of Geoscience Australia's Earth observation program is to maintain a comprehensive archive of Earth observation data over Australia to help ensure that fundamental geographic information is available for the benefit of the Australian community and to service government needs. Its primary functions are to provide calibrated Earth observations and Earth observation science for operational and research uses.

Geoscience Australia operates two remote sensing facilities - the Data Acquisition Facility (DAF) in Alice Springs and the Data Processing Facility (DPF) in Canberra. Data over the entire Australian landmass, most of Papua New Guinea, and Eastern Indonesia are recorded at Alice Springs. Data are transferred to Canberra through an optic fibre link, where they are archived and processed. Applications include automated near real-time mapping of bushfire hotspots (


Station Organization: GA
Ground Station Location: Hobart, Australia
Ground Station ID: HOA
Station Lat Long: POINT (-42.9241 147.4222)